The party guest asked politely, “What is it you do again?”
“Well,” I said with some confidence, “I help big businesses behave and react like small ones and I help small ones behave and scale big.”
I help smart brands engage consumers and build stronger more diversified businesses.
Progressive start-ups to long-standing brands, strategy to execution, I will strengthen your business by expanding your business model and diversifying your revenue portfolio, sharpening your brand story, and building unique consumer experiential engagements that increase customer loyalty and grow customer lifetime value.
A business builder
and a brand storyteller.
I’ve spent a career connecting with consumers and earning customer loyalty. My practice is to move beyond the formulaic strategy and brand deck and uncover a brand’s raw truth, because that is where true differentiation and market power lies.
Current clients.
I’m retired now, but I maintain a small select group of clients I stay close to. Some of those are:
Areas of expertise and
services offered.
Drop me a note and let’s get started today.
I’m located near Seattle, Washington, but I work all over the country — and in a few others for that matter.